5 Must-Have Competitive Intelligence Tools: How to Choose and Use Them

Many companies are trying to figure out how to make better decisions for their company. After all, the difference between success and failure is often a few good decisions made along the way. One of the best ways to make these decisions is using competitive intelligence tools. These must-have competitive intelligence tools will help you choose which tool suits your business’ needs, as well as teach you how to use them properly so that you get an advantage over your competitors.

1) Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free tool that allows you to monitor the web for specific keywords, phrases, and sources. Google will send an email notification to your inbox every time it finds something new on the internet related to those terms or phrases so that you can keep tabs on what’s going on in your industry at all times. In addition to keeping tabs on your competition, you can also use Google Alerts to keep track of new industry trends, news stories, and even potential customers.

2) BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a free tool that allows you to see the most famous content across all social media platforms. This is a great way to get an idea of what’s trending in your industry and develop new ideas for content or products. You can also use BuzzSumo to see who shares your competitor’s content and what your audience is sharing the most. This can help you fine-tune your social media strategy to focus on the platforms getting the best results for you and see which types of posts or articles get shared by analyzing how successful competitors’ strategies differ from yours.

3) ContentGems

Content Gems is a paid competitive intelligence tool that allows you to automate finding relevant content for your company blog. Content Gems will find trending articles based on search trends, social media sharing statistics, and other factors to post this information directly onto your website or blog while also providing attribution back to each source which helps build relationships with other companies and drive more traffic to your blog.

Content Gems will also help you find influencers who are relevant to your industry to connect with them on social media or via email to get better exposure for the content you’re sharing. ContentGems is a great tool for any company looking to grow its online presence.

4) Followerwonk

Followerwonk is a free Competitive Intelligence tool that allows you to see who the biggest influencers are in your industry and how they’re connected to other people on Twitter. This is a great way to start networking with other companies and individuals who might be able to help promote your content or products. You can also use Followerwonk to find new followers based on keywords, locations, or other demographics.

In addition to these functions, Followerwonk also allows you to monitor your own social media presence and see which types of posts are getting the most retweets or likes. This can help you plan out future content strategies for Twitter based on what’s working best at the moment and make changes if necessary to increase engagement with your audience.

5) Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a free tool that allows you to manage all of your social media accounts in one place. This is great for companies looking to increase their online presence by increasing the number of followers they have on various platforms. Hootsuite also provides detailed analytics so you can see which posts are getting the most shares, likes, or retweets so you can plan out future content accordingly.

Hootsuite also allows you to schedule posts across all of your platforms at once, which means less time spent managing social media accounts and more time doing the things that matter, like running your business.