Good Reasons to Look for WordPress Website Maintenance Service

WordPress is used to design websites, but designers and developers who work with this content management system convey that it has flaws. Speed is hard to manage security is a huge concern. Therefore, experienced WordPress maintenance professionals design a monthly support and maintenance plan that ensures all the bases get covered after the website is launched. 

Setmysite team is a WordPress webmaster helping clients in their website performance and security maintenance. If you have ignored professional website maintenance then it is time to consider.

Good reason you need website maintenance service

You have a legacy business website designed several years ago. It runs well in the background without any active maintenance. Until one day Google blocks it and the hosting service suspends it because of malware. 

WordPress software is an open-source platform. It is a blend of various plugins and themes from different developers. When WordPress core is updated the plugins will also need an update to stay aligned with the core and close vulnerabilities users discovered. 

WordPress is dedicated to making updates intuitive and user-driven but there is a need to hire a WordPress maintenance service for the following reasons. 

Prevent hacking and enhance security

WordPress is globally popular and has countless plugins available for quick installation. The combination of open-source and popularity has attracted hackers and cybercriminals. Hackers can identify vulnerabilities and exploit them using malicious activities. They steal customer data or launch phishing attacks. Sometimes, a backdoor is opened and left as it is for months before exploiting. 

Reliable WP maintenance services will ensure that WP core and plugins are updated. You can do this but it is necessary to ensure that the updates don’t hamper website functionality. Updates are staged on the test environment first.

The experts make sure that the website setup and hosting structure are secure. With simple fixes and adjustments, the plugins are stopped from writing to the configuration files. Thus it prevents your site from getting ruined. 

The website is monitored and scanned for vulnerabilities, known malware, and unusual activities. The agency has its malware signature database, so they clear it as soon as it is detected. 


The backup plan is essential for those times when your website data is defaced or deleted or lost. Security breaches like malware and hacking or server glitches or accidental mistakes are possible. 

The website maintenance firm ensures that your site backups work as scheduled and even checks those backup’s integrity. The plugin can be used for WP backups but integrity checking needs manual intervention.

Speed & audits

Checking website health is essential. It ensures better speed and performance. A full audit is necessary because as your business grows and website activities also develop, so the performance can get affected. The professionals keep track of the performance and speed to ensure it operates smoothly. 

Ensure to choose the right WordPress website management agency that you find approachable and contactable at any time.